Snow White Fight: Julia Roberts vs. Charlize Theron!
Relativity Media
Forget the damn mirror, it's up to you readers to pick which royal beyotch really is the fairest of them all.
Ironically both the queens were front and center for the recently released trailers for Snow White and The Huntsman and Mirror Mirror, so we're sure you have some very strong opinions on which Oscar winning chica does bad best.
So who's left you shaking in your booties: Julia Roberts or Charlize Theron?
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First up, there's Lily Collins's feisty foe in the funny flick Mirror Mirror: Julia R.
Sure, her gowns, makeup and hair may be fab, but, we're totally not feeling the Erin Brockovich 2.0 shtick. We loved Julia the first time she drummed up this type of wise-ass bitchery, but, as we watched the trailer we kept expecting her to say, "They're called boobs, Snow White."
And the accent?! If Julia was slipping in and out of what seemed like a Madonna-level British accent in the trailer, we can't imagine what the movie will be like...
And then there's Kristen Stewart's nemesis in SWATH: Charlize.
In our humble opinion, Charlize really brings out the "total bitch" (her words, not ours!) that the wicked witch is supposed to be. She's brutal and smoking hot, the deadliest combo of 'em all, right?! And her only plotting is over the murderous varietynot the mundane.
So do you agree with us about which queen is truly divine, or are you still batting for Team Julia? Let us know below!
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