Film Review: Mirror Mirror
Ashley WhittakerWednesday, April 18, 20125:01 AM
Julia Roberts stars in this visually stunning adaptation of the classic fairytale, Snow White.
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Mirror Mirror
Cert. PG
3/5 stars
YOU know the story-an evil queen snares a kind-hearted king, locks his daughter away and lets the kingdom fall into poverty while living in the lap of luxury with a gaggle of terrified, yet doting servants.
Daughter comes of age, escapes the palace and falls in with a band of dwarves who vow to help her take her place as the rightful heir to the evil ones throne, while bagging a prince on the way.
Mirror Mirrors unique selling point is in mega-star, Julia Roberts, turn as the evil queen.
Roberts transforms the traditionally aloof and malevolent character into a pantomime dame, complete with black humour and shameless suggestiveness.
Lily Collins (daughter of Phil) fits the bill as porcelain-skinned, wide-eyed Snow White and Armie Hammer delivers a tongue-in-cheek, clichd, Prince Charming.
Tarsem Singh, seems an odd choice to direct a childrens film, but his past offerings- The Immortals, The Fall and The Cell-all possess fairytale-like qualities, and his style transfers well to the Grimms story, lending it a darker edge with definite su! pernatur al undertones.
For all the reports branding Mirror Mirror silly and advising that you take it with a pinch of salt, the fast-moving plot, witty script and delicious aesthetics mean you wont find yourself watching the clock, as with most childrens films.
This is a well-made, harmless take on the Grimm brothers classic, but Snow White and the Huntsman (released in June and starring Charlize Theron and Kristen Stewart) promises a more radical reimagining of the story.
Ashley Whittaker