Confessions of a red-carpet escort: Meet the 'celebrity whisperer' hired to guide stars through their awards show ...

By Daily Mail Reporter

PUBLISHED: 11:36 EST, 30 January 2013 | UPDATED: 13:31 EST, 30 January 2013

Behind every Hollywood wardrobe malfunction or moment of stage fright, a red-carpet escort is waiting in the background, hired to ensure every step of the night runs smoothly.

From Jessica Alba, Sharon Stone and Julia Roberts, escort Christopher Gaida is their little secret: never far from their side, he guides them from point A to Z, dodging every red-carpet mishap along the way.

The 38-year-old, whose tell-all book Arm Candy comes out today, told the New York Post: 'They are used to having lines prepared for them, and they get several takes. These shows are mostly live, and they have to be themselves, which is sometimes hard.

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Keeping watch: Behind every Hollywood wardrobe malfunction or moment of stage fright, Mr Gaida is waiting in the background, hired to ensure every step of the night runs smoothly for his celebrity client

Keeping watch: Behind every Hollywood wardrobe malfunction or diva meltdown, Christopher Gaida (circled) is waiting in the background, hired to ensure every step of the night runs smoothly for his celebrity client

'Ive heard from a number of people that Im "the Celebrity Whisperer,"' he added, saying his title as 'escort' has nothing to do with its usually sordid a! nd sexual connotations.

In 2007, a few minutes before Megan Fox - then a Hollywood newcomer - was to go onstage at the Teen Choice Awards, she started panicking, he recalled.

Stage fright set in, as did a sense of urgency that she needed to speak to her Transformers co-star, Shia LaBeouf, immediately - even though he was nowhere to be found.

So Mr Gaida, her escort for the evening, did his job and calmed her down. 'I told her she was fantastic, that she looked great, to relax, everybody loves her,' he said. 'No b.s., just what I really, truly thought.'

'I told her she was fantastic, that she looked great, to relax, everybody loves her'

Similarly, when he was hired to escort Jessica Alba at the 2007 Taurus World Stunt Awards, he suggested backstage that she choose a different dress before the carpet. Taking his advice, she slipped into navy blue sequin Chanel number, he said.

'I told her I liked the dress because it was sexy and shiny. It just really showed her personality as fun, young and lively,' he explained.

'Theyre hiring me because they want my expertise. I feel like its my job to give my opinion.'

Born in Philadelphia, Mr Gaida relocated to New York at age 23 for an admin job at MTV. It was there that he was asked to be a last-minute red-carpet escort for night.

Never far away: Escort Christopher Gaida (circled) is the A-list's little secret: never far from their side, he guides them from point A to Z, dodging every red-carpet mishap along the way

Never far away: Escort Christopher Gaida (circled) is the A-list's little secret: never far from their side, he guides them from point A to Z, dodging every red-carpet mishap along the way

Now he is part of an elite pool of candidates, where producers hire him two to three weeks before an awards show.

Each escort is ! usually a! ssigned to one celebrity, he said. Mr Gaida will meet the star at their limo as they arrive for the red-carpet, and then introduce himself to their publicist and manager, before greeting his A-list client directly.

The star's game plan, decided by the celebrity and their staff prior, is then hashed out to Mr Gaida. From how long they want to stay on the carpet for photos, to how many interviews they will do, and what media outlets they want to avoid, it is up to Mr Gaida to execute the plan smoothly and inconspicuously.

Tell All tome: The 38-year-olds book, Arm Candy: A Celebrity Escort's Tales From The red Carpet, is released January 30

Tell All tome: The 38-year-olds book, Arm Candy: A Celebrity Escort's Tales From The red Carpet, is released January 30

Mr Gaida has escorted celebrities at more than 150 awards shows and benefits, he said. From Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Aniston, Mariah Carey, Taylor Swift, Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman, Queen Latifah, and Susan Lucci, as well as dozens of others.

But his job is not always as glamorous as it sounds.

At the 1999 VH1 Vogue Fashion Awards, Mr Gaida was hired to escort Sharon Stone. But as he introduced himself, she refused to shake his hand, demanding that he walk three steps ahead of her at all times and never look back.

Meanwhile at the 2009 Emmys, he said he was unable to convince Christian Slater to wrap up an interview, and the found themselves locked out of the show.

'He knew that it was his fault,' said Mr Gaida.

Now, with his tell-all book being released just before the Academy Awards, he has acknowledged his days as an escort may be over.

'Some insecure management-level people are worried that Im revealing too much, and the secrets of Hollywood,' he said.

'One producer said to me she was worried Id ruin award shows forever. I! was like! , "Wow, I have that much power?"'

VIDEO Chris Gaida aka Chris Laslo on celebrity escorting
