Mingo Central High School Student Council Holds Mock Presidential Election

The Williamson Daily News

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Julia Roberts Goad

Staff Writer

The Student Council at Mingo Central High School recently held a Mock Presidential Election. Students, and the results closely mirrored the election results for the countys actual voters.

MCHS students were required to register to vote. The results were as expected in this area with 36 percent of the vote going to Obama and 64 percent to Republican challenger Mitt Romney.

Mingos actual President election was 69 percent for Romney, 27 percent Romney

Rhonda Williamson, Student Council Advisor, said the mock election was held November 2, four days before the actual election.

Of the total 720 students at MCHS, 19 percnet are freshman, 28 percent are sophomores, 38 percent Juniors and 40 percent seniors.

Student Council members are: Dakota Cohenour, President, Chelsey Curry, Vice-president, Chelsea Browning, Treasurer, and Chrissy Farmer, Secretary. Other members are Kristen Pruitt, Sydney Chapman, Garth Simpkins, Bri Smith, Derrick Blankenship, Wade Hall, Kristen Johnson, Amanda Clifford, Brandi Harrison, Zach White, Maria Ramey, Walter Warden, Ariel Ritchie, Kaitlyn Johnson, and Faith Hensley.
