Pixie Lott and Julia Roberts: Celebrity armpit hair Face Off

The hairy armpit moment

Pixie Lott ensured all eyes were on her at the London premiere of The Dark Knight Rises but not because she was wearing a show-stopping dress. Instead, it was because the 21-year-old pop singer had clearly forgotten to have a shower before the A-List event as she was sporting some rather unflattering underarm hair. At first glance she looked her usual sexy self but as soon as the tiny black hairs were spotted, even her most loyal admirers are bound to have been turned completely off.

Julia Roberts made the same mistake back in 1999 at the London premiere of Notting Hill. As she waved to fans who had turned up to greet the movie star, what they weren't bargaining for was getting a full-on glimpse of the long black hairs spewing out of her armpit. And to make matters worse, she seemed totally unaware of the furore she had created as she carried on beaming.

Winner Round 1: Julia's slip up was 13 years ago. (Yes, Pixie, you're little faux pas won't go away any time soon). Grooming technologies have come on leaps and bounds since then and every girl knows the cardinal rules. Julia wins this round as she gave the world a lesson which Pixie should have followed.

 Pixie Lott Doesn't she look pretty? (Picture: Getty)

PIXIE LOTTHmm, maybe not... (Picture: Xposure)

How they salvaged it

After nearly every news publication picked up on the photos of Pixie's hairy armpits after the premiere, she was left with no option but to address it. And Twitter was her method. Trying to laugh off the hairy situation, Pixie explained that she had simply been caught out in-between waxes. She wrote: ' Ooooopsies ! a little bit from in-between waxes hahaha :)'

Julia, meanwhile, was reported at the time as defending her decision to not shave her armpits by saying her boyfriend at the time, Benjamin Bratt, found the growth a 'turn on'.

Winner Round 2: Pretty Woman actress Julia was at least being unladylike to fulfil her boyfriend's wishes. Pixie, on the other hand, was just not on top of her grooming sessions. Julia wins this round as well.

BLOG: Pixie Lott caught with hairy armpits is not red carpet class

Julia RobertsOh Julia, Julie, Julia.... (Picture: Reuters)

Have they learnt their lesson?

Pixie's hairy arm disaster happened less than a week ago so she hasn't really had that much time to prove she's learned her lesson. However, she's certainly made a good start as at The Art Of Rap premiere, held in London the very next evening, she opted to wear a dress with sleeves meaning those armpits were well hidden.

Julia, meanwhile has been spotted a few more times with more hair than is deemed necessary under her arms - most often when she's holidaying. However, when she chose to wear that very armpit hair-gate dress seven years later at an event, while fans were expecting the same sight, she ensured she was freshly shaven.

Winner Round 3: Julia clearly hasn't learnt her lesson yet but Pixie has started early trying to prove she's going to try and change meaning she wins this round.

Pixie LottPixie seems to have learnt her lesson already (Picture: BigPictures)

Overall Face Off w! inner: Julia Roberts wins 2/3.

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